Sex party 14 Hours , Males It Finally Dead

AUSTRALIA - Researchers in Queensland, Australia discovered two new species typical Australian marsupial rare. These animals are known by their strange mating manner on and off due to a breeding pair the male will perform a ritual orgy of violence to death afterwards. The authors are concerned about this endangered species. Animals named, Antechinus, which is similar to a type of marsupial mice steal the show for many years because of the strange mating patterns of behavior with the behavior of their sex parties are very strong and brutal, to the extent that this marsupial males die shortly after mating.

Now, these two species of marsupial found living in Southwestern Australia. The researchers requested that the Government of Queensland and Tasmanian Antechinus species to include this in the list of threatened species punaj, before the animal population is missing.

Universitasitas mammal experts from Queensland Technology (QUT), Dr Andrew Baker said that for several weeks in a year, Antechinus male hormone testosterone which is filled with fierce among competing with other males to have sex with as many females Antechinus, and all this takes place marathon for 14 hours. "Animals do Antechinus this orgy of violence each year," said Dr. Baker. A few weeks after this marathon intercourse, stress due to a surge in the hormone testosterone causes the immune system in males has dropped drastically and the impact is very lethal to the male.

Male marsupial is bleeding inside the organs, stomach wounds, their feathers fall out and sometimes they become mutually collide with one another because the males become blind, however, the males were still looking for females to marry, "said Dr. Baker.

The annual death among males of these animals which covers half of the population, poses a challenge for researchers as a PhD student, Thomas Mutton, which seeks to preserve this species. 

"We want to study them but males of these species can not live even for a year, they only live for 11 months before finally dying after their ritual orgy, this is sad," Mutton said.
"I think their sex lives interesting enough for people, and of course a little different from those of humans," Dr Baker said the two new species discovered in their study was Antechinus 

Tasman Peninsula is colored black (Antechinus vandycki) that they found near Port Arthur in Tasmania, and blackish land Antechinus (Antechinus swainsonii mimetes) which is found throughout the Southeast region of Australia. QUT scientists now believe five of the total 15 species Antechinus famous endangered due to climate change, pest wild and habitat loss. 

The researchers urge the Government of Tasmania and Queensland incorporate a number of new species Antechinus is in the list of endangered species including the Tasman Peninsula Antechinus their newfound black.
The latest discovery of this team has been published in the journal of the Queensland Museum - Nature. The researchers are seeking additional funding to carry out a more detailed study of the endangered species and will prioritize measures that can help protect these animals.

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